Boxed In: Women On Screen and Behind the Scenes on Broadcast and Streaming Television in 2023-24

Boxed In: Women On Screen and Behind the Scenes on Broadcast and Streaming Television in 2023-24


In 2023-24, the percentage of women working as creators on original television series appearing on broadcast networks and streaming services declined for the second year in a row.  Women comprised just 23% of creators last year, down from 26% in 2022-23, and 30% in 2021-22.  Unsurprisingly, the percentage of female characters in speaking and major roles also declined.  Females accounted for 43% of characters in speaking roles (major and minor), down from 44% in 2022-23, and 46% in 2021-22.  Females made up 45% of major characters in 2023-24, down from 48% in 2022-23, and 49% in 2021-22.  Female characters were younger than their male counterparts.  The majority of female characters were in their 20s and 30s, whereas the majority of male characters were in their 30s and 40s.  Viewers were also much more likely to see male characters 40 and older than females.  51% of male characters but 29% of females were 40+.  In behind-the-scenes roles, women comprised 34% of executive producers, 45% of producers, 33% of writers, 19% of directors, 19% of editors, and 8% of directors of photography.